
Startsidan > Leror

Lerorna är förpackade i 12,5kg, 10kg, 5kg eller 1kg (1kg endast färgade VD-porslin).

PRISERNA PER 1KG. Bilderna är illustrativa.

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Kotimainen punasavi
Kotimainen punasavi
Perinteinen somerolainen punasavi. maximi polttolämpö 1030°C... 
11,13 €
PASTART vaalea savi 5kg
PASTART vaalea savi 5kg
Pastart Vaalea muovailusavi, on kätevässä 5 kg:n pakkauskoossa. Sopii täydellisesti taiteeseen ja käsityöhön, vapaa-ajan toimintaan ja terapiaan. Voidaan myös jättää polttamatta ja värjätä askarteluväreillä, ei kuitenkaan tule näin vedenkestäväksi. Polttolämpötila: 900-1050°C Hinta on... 
5,57 €
gs1105 posliinivalusaviliete
gs1105 posliinivalusaviliete
Valkoinen, läpikuultava, posliinisavi. Shamottia: 0% Kuivakutistuma: 110°C:ssa: 3%
Polttokutistuma 1200°C:ssa: 10%
Vedenimukyky poltettu 1200°C:ssa: 2% 
4,46 €
Mont Blanc valusavi lietteenä
Mont Blanc valusavi lietteenä
Valkoisin valusavi, 10 kg:n astioissa, hinta per 1 kg. 
3,88 €
Hardpast Terrakotta
Hardpast Terrakotta
Itsestään kuivuva terrakottanvärinen askartelusavi kilon paketeissa.
Sopii kaikenlaiseen muovailuun ja askarteluun.
100% luonnontuote. 
2,51 €
Hardpast Valkoinen 1kg
Hardpast Valkoinen 1kg
2,51 €
116 GM Antrasiitti
116 GM Antrasiitti
Valmis valusaviliete antrasiitin värinen.
10kg:n ämpäreissä. Kuva tulossa... 
1,86 €
6 GM Ljus Lergods Gjutlera
6 GM Ljus Lergods Gjutlera
Valmis valusaviliete 10kg ämpärissä.
Polttolämpötila 980 - 1100°C. 
1,81 €
11 GM vaalea korkeanpolton valusaviliete
11 GM vaalea korkeanpolton valusaviliete
10kg ämpäri, hinta on per 1kg. 
1,63 €
GBCH 0-1,5mm
GBCH 0-1,5mm
Valkoista tulenkestävää kivitavaraa. Mukava rakenne.

Erinomainen sorvaukseen, mallintamiseen ja rakuun.

Täydellinen ammattilaisille ja... 
1,45 €
White stoneware with a smooth texture. Nice texture. Excellent for the lathe and tableware. Perfect for professionals and amateurs. Firing range: 1280-1300ºC. Water
content Drying
1,44 €
GSM CH 0-0,2mm
GSM CH 0-0,2mm
Refractory stoneware paste with black colour in both oxidation and reduction. Intended for large sculptures and creations. Possesses a high plasticity and is easy to handle. Excellent for modeling, working with a potter's wheel etc. Outstanding behavior when drying and applying glazes, be it for single and... 
1,43 €
GSM CH 0-0,5mm
GSM CH 0-0,5mm
Refractory stoneware paste with black colour in both oxidation and reduction. Intended for large sculptures and creations. Possesses a high plasticity and is easy to handle. Excellent for modeling, working with a potter's wheel etc. Outstanding behavior when drying and applying glazes, be it for single and... 
1,43 €
GSM CH 0-1,5mm
GSM CH 0-1,5mm
Refractory stoneware paste with black colour in both oxidation and reduction. Intended for large sculptures and creations. Possesses a high plasticity and is easy to handle. Excellent for modeling, working with a potter's wheel etc. Outstanding behavior when drying and applying glazes, be it for single and... 
1,43 €
FB CH Mustasavi 0-0,5mm
FB CH Mustasavi 0-0,5mm
Black ceramic paste with manganese. Chamotte 0-0,5mm (20%) The colour ranges from dark brown to black, in an oxidizing atmosphere, depending on the temperature. Ideal for artistic ceramics due to its plasticity. Excellent for sculpting and modeling, especially medium-sized creations. Firing temperature: 950... 
1,30 €
GTA CH 0-0,2mm
GTA CH 0-0,2mm
Refarctory stoneware paste with chamotte and a very pleasant texture, for high temperatures. Ideal for modeling, sculpting and raku, thanks to the variety of chamotte sizes it is made with. Excellent for pieces that need to withstand thermal shocks and suitable for both beginners and professionals. Outstanding behavior... 
1,29 €
GTA CH 0-0,5mm
GTA CH 0-0,5mm
Refarctory stoneware paste with chamotte and a very pleasant texture, for high temperatures. Ideal for modeling, sculpting and raku, thanks to the variety of chamotte sizes it is made with. Excellent for pieces that need to withstand thermal shocks and suitable for both beginners and professionals. Outstanding behavior... 
1,29 €
GTA CH 0-1,5mm
GTA CH 0-1,5mm
Refarctory stoneware paste with chamotte and a very pleasant texture, for high temperatures. Ideal for modeling, sculpting and raku, thanks to the variety of chamotte sizes it is made with. Excellent for pieces that need to withstand thermal shocks and suitable for both beginners and professionals. Outstanding behavior... 
1,29 €
Varnia Oy
Myllypakantie 2
FI-25410, Suomusjärvi
(02) 722 1202
varnia (at) varnia.fi