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Rakuvaria Extreme Firing Techniques (Ine & Ed Knops)
Rakuvaria Extreme Firing Techniques (Ine & Ed Knops)
On spring 2018 published raku-book.
Hard cover.
From this book you find 80 pages of inspiration for using special firing techniques: Raku firing in raku -kiln without biscuit... 
20,24 €
Rakuvaria 2 / Ine and Ed Knops
Rakuvaria 2 / Ine and Ed Knops
Rakuvaria 2 / Ine and Ed Knops Rakuvaria dedicated to raku-firing techniques and their variations.Simplicity is the keyword in Rakuvaria, simple kilns you can build yourself, simple recipes, simple firing techniques.This book is summary of an open exchange of information that takes place during workshops we... 
48,87 €
Rakuvaria 3 (Ine & Ed Knops)
Rakuvaria 3 (Ine & Ed Knops)
Rakuvaria 2 on perusta, Rakuvaria 3 kuvaa uusia tekniikoita! Rakuvaria 3:ssa selitetään jälleen askel askeleelta monia epätavallisia tekniikoita ja kokeita.
13 luvussa kuvataan erilaisia... 
48,07 €
Soda Glazing (Ruthanne Tudball)
Soda Glazing (Ruthanne Tudball)
Soda Glazing / Ruthanne Tudball
Ceramics Handbook
The technique of soda glazing in ceramics is becoming more popular with potters, because, like salt glazing, it produces an attractive 'orange-peel' texture to... 
27,45 €
Country Pottery (Andrew McGarva)
Country Pottery (Andrew McGarva)
Country Pottery / Andrew McGarva Earthenware pottery was first introduced to Britain by the Romans and rural potteries making it survived until the Second World War. There has been a revival of interest in these potteries, the techniques they used and the wares they made. In this book the author looks over... 
54,44 €
Glass Jewellery (Yvonne Coffey)
Glass Jewellery (Yvonne Coffey)
Jewellery Handbooks
Glass Jewellery
/ Yvonne Coffey Glass jewellery is enjoying a renaissance right now, and kiln-working glass has also grown in popularity over the last few years. This book is great for students... 
27,45 €
Glazes for the Craft Potter (Harry Fraser)
Glazes for the Craft Potter (Harry Fraser)
Glazes for the Craft Potter /Harry Fraser A reference book on glaze technology and practice. It discusses not only the calculation of glaze composition and formulae, but also glaze preparation from the initial crushing and grinding of raw materials through the actual making of the glaze. It also includes information... 
27,83 €
Mary Wondrausch On Slipware
Mary Wondrausch On Slipware
Mary Wondrausch On Slipware / Mary Wondrausch Mary Wondrausch is one of the grand old ladies of British ceramics. In this book she traces the history of slipware and brings it up to the present, showing how modern artists are exploring this beautiful medium. 144 pp. 
45,55 €
Salt-Glaze Ceramics (Janet Mansfield)
Salt-Glaze Ceramics (Janet Mansfield)
Salt-Glaze Ceramics (Janet Mansfield). One of the fascinating specialities of contemporary ceramics is the use of salt-glaze as explored by ceramic artists around the world.
Whether their... 
45,79 €
Slipware (Victoria & Michael Eden)
Slipware (Victoria & Michael Eden)
Slipware / Victoria and Michael Eden
Slipware was once the predominant 'country' pottery of Europe. However, the Industrial Revolution almost brought about its demise and it is only in recent years that there has been a huge upsurge of interest in its techniques and... 
45,79 €
Advanced Fusing Techn 2
Advanced Fusing Techn 2
More details 
106,60 €
Glas: Schultz & Brönsted
Glas: Schultz & Brönsted
More details 
45,07 €
Glas på Kroppen
Glas på Kroppen
More details 
23,45 €
Lav Selv Keramik
Lav Selv Keramik
More details 
46,49 €
Ovnformed Glas
Ovnformed Glas
More details 
48,75 €
Keramiikan Materiaalit (Heikki Jylhä-Vuorio)
Keramiikan Materiaalit (Heikki Jylhä-Vuorio)
Paljon kaivattu Heikin kirja taas saatavilla. 
37,60 €
Keramiikan koristelu ja lasitus / Caroline Fairbairn
Keramiikan koristelu ja lasitus / Caroline Fairbairn
Inspiroiva opas kiehtovaan keramiikkatyöhön Keramiikkatöiden koristelussa on vuosituhansien kuluessa opittu käyttämään yhä monipuolisempia tekniikoita, ja väri- ja muotokieli on tavattoman rikasta. Koristelutekniikoista esitellään maalaaminen, kastaminen, marmorointi, muotoileminen, rannutus, piirtäminen... 
13,75 €
Savesta kaunista keramiikkaa/Stuart Carey
Savesta kaunista keramiikkaa/Stuart Carey
23,18 €
Varnia Oy
Myllypakantie 2
FI-25410, Suomusjärvi
tel. (02) 722 1202
varnia (at)
Business ID: 0202891-2