
Main Page > Glazes > Cerama-Glazes > Earthenware

Earthenware Glaze 1925 Blue-green, Glossy
Earthenware Glaze 1925 Blue-green, Glossy
Firing range 1020°C.
Specific gravity 55 - 60. Paksulla lasitekerroksellä väri on sininen, hieman kirjava.
Ohuella kerroksella se on vihertävämpi ja enemmän yksivärinen. 
25,20 €
Earthenware Glaze 1975 Bordeaux
Earthenware Glaze 1975 Bordeaux
Easy to use earthenware, glossy burgundy glaze.
Works on white-, red- and blueclays. Firing range 1040°C.
Available for a limited time. 
20,04 €
Earthenware Glaze 1976 Cobalt Blue, Glossy
Earthenware Glaze 1976 Cobalt Blue, Glossy
Firing range 1020°C.
Specific gravity 50. Kirkas koboltinsininen vaalealla savella.
Sini- ja punasavilla syvemmän sininen, mutta mustasavella värin intensiivisyys kärsii. 
35,25 €
Earthenware Glaze 2001 Yellow-Brown, Matt
Earthenware Glaze 2001 Yellow-Brown, Matt
Firing range 1020 - 1040°C.
Specific gravity 55 - 60. Väriin vaikuttaa suuresti lasitteen paksuus sekä savilaatu .
Ohuesti lasitettuna se on enemmän ruskea ja paksusti... 
30,07 €
Earthenware Glaze 2007 Lemon, Glossy
Earthenware Glaze 2007 Lemon, Glossy
Firing range 1020 - 1040°C.
Specific gravity 50. Vaaleilla savilla väri on voimakkaan keltainen, sini- ja punasavilla sävy lämpöisempi "Pääsiäisenkeltainen".
Hempeä pastellinkeltainen... 
25,60 €
Earthenware Glaze 2026 Sky Blue, Spotted, Glossy
Earthenware Glaze 2026 Sky Blue, Spotted, Glossy
Firing range 1020°C.
Specific gravity 45 - 50. Sky blue, white-spotted glaze, which is easy to use, opaque and has a hard and durable surface.
Glaze must not me sieved, ja... 
29,05 €
Earthenware Glaze 3006 Grey-White, Spotted, Glossy
Earthenware Glaze 3006 Grey-White, Spotted, Glossy
Firing range 1020 - 1220°C.
Specific gravity 50 - 55. Creamy light glaze, which has small brownish spots.
Sopii hyvin toisen lasitteen alle tai päälle. Huomio kuitenkin lasitekerrosten... 
32,06 €
Earthenware Glaze 3012 Aventurine, Glossy
Earthenware Glaze 3012 Aventurine, Glossy
Firing range 1000 - 1020°C.
Specific gravity 50. Dark brown aventurine-glaze, which has gold-copper coloured reflecting metalflakes.
Parhaimmillaan punasavella, muilla savilla... 
9,30 €
Earthenware Glaze 3032 Orange-red, Glossy
Earthenware Glaze 3032 Orange-red, Glossy
Firing range 1020°C.
Specific gravity 50 - 55. Easy to use, tasaisen lopputuloksen antava oranssinpunainen lasite.
Suitable for all clays. 
18,52 €
Earthenware Glaze 3040 Pistolblack
Earthenware Glaze 3040 Pistolblack
Firing range 1020°C.
Specific gravity 50. Pistolblack is metallic, but also a matte glaze.
If the layer is too thin, pinnasta tulee hieman tylsä, kiiltävä. 
22,63 €
Varnia Oy
Myllypakantie 2
FI-25410, Suomusjärvi
tel. (02) 722 1202
varnia (at)
Business ID: 0202891-2