Vain koristekäyttöön tarkoitettu pronssinhohtoinen lasite. Lasitetta ei tarvitse lasittaa normaalia paksummin, jotta metallinhohto muodostuu. Sopii myös värillisille saville kuten kuvasta näkyy. Polttoväli 1130-1240°C.
14,37 €
Korkeanpolton Lasite 1289 Musta Matta
Firing range 1200 - 1260 °C. Black smooth surface. It is best suited for light clays, with dark ones it creates a surface unevenly. The glaze is available both...
9,92 €
Stoneware Glaze 1258 Rose Quartz, Dots
More details
11,03 €
Stoneware Glaze BP5734, Transparent
Clear, transparent, stoneware glaze. Firing range 1220 - 1280°C. This is the closest corresponding glaze for 2209.
5,15 €
Stoneware Glaze 2209 Transparent, Glossy
Firing range 1220 - 1280°C. Specific gravity 40. Easy to use hard and glossy glaze for dishes and dinnerware. Hyvä lasite yleisväreillä värjättäväksi sekä enkobekoristelun...
8,65 €
Stoneware Glaze K455h Green
Beautiful, translucent glaze for decorations. Not acid proof. Firing range 1220 - 1280°C.
5,01 €
Stoneware Glaze K457 Transparent
Firing range approx. 1220 - 1260ºC.
5,77 €
Stoneware Glaze K459 Brown-Green
Firing range approx. 1200 - 1260°C.
5,00 €
Stoneware Glaze K463 Light Brown
Firing range approx. 1200 - 1260°C.
4,16 €
Stoneware Glaze K467 Smoke Blue
Firing range approx. 1200 - 1260°C.
6,33 €
Stoneware Glaze K482 Mint Green
Crystal glaze. Firing range approx. 1200 - 1260°C. Not recommended for dinnerware. Not acid-proof.
9,81 €
Stoneware Glaze K483 Crystal White
Light bluish. Only for decorations. Firing range approx. 1200 - 1260°C.