Blue Rib Model 2

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Blue Rib Model 2
10,63 €
incl. VAT 25,50 %

Every artist has a must-have tool they can't live without. For many people, that tool is the Mudtool Rib. They were designed with both the potter and the sculpor in mind. Ribs are available in 4 different shaped contours and made of a flexible material that will never crack or develop burrs the way rubber can. In fact, these ribs are self burnishing so the more you use them, the nicer they feel! Each shape is available in 4 colors ranging in stiffness from soft to hard.

Blue = Hard Flex
Green = Medium Flex
Yellow = Soft Flex
Red = Very Soft

The green ribs are perfect for compressing bottoms, burnishing, trim marks, throwing, and handbuilding


See also

Green Rib Model 4
All the rib are flexible. Blue = Hard
Green = Medium
Yellow = Soft... 
10,63 €
Red Rib Model 2
All the ribs are flexible. Blue = Hard
Green = Medium
Yellow = Soft... 
10,63 €
Yellow Rib Model 5
All the ribs are flexible. Blue = Hard
Green = Medium
Yellow = Soft... 
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Wire Cutter
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Orange Sponge for Throwing
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Blue Rib Model 5
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Yellow = Soft... 
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Red Rib Model 5
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Green = Medium
Yellow = Soft... 
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Blue Universal Sponge
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9,51 €
Varnia Oy
Myllypakantie 2
FI-25410, Suomusjärvi
tel. (02) 722 1202
varnia (at)
Business ID: 0202891-2