Jet Black V361 473ml
Main Page > Värituotteet > Dolfi Underglaze Colours
Saturated color, dependability, and versatility make Velvets as popular for professionals as they are for children. Velvets fire true-to-color as a Cone 05/06 underglaze or fired to Cone 6. Some colors remain true as high as Cone 10.
Try two finish possibilities: When left unglazed these colors have the rich textural appearance of velvet; when covered with AMACO Clear Transparent Matte or Clear Gloss they intensify in color. Can be easily applied to wet clay, greenware, or mature Cone 04 bisque (1971F / 1077C)
•Saturated Color
•Apply to unfired clay or bisque
•True to color
•Can be used with or without glaze- Food Safe with proper glaze.
•Cone 05 to 10
See also
Firing range approx. 1200 - 1260ºC.
Container size 500ml.
Container size 500ml.
11,64 €
Firing range 1200 - 1260°C.
Container size 500ml.
Container size 500ml.
11,64 €
Golden glossy effect glaze from Amaco Potter's Choice -series, only for decorations. Firing range 1210 - 1240°C.
Moves easily.
Moves easily.
23,99 €
Cheap and popular PCC porcelain is ideal for both professional and hobby use.
Good for throwing and other techniques.
Non-translucent. Firing...
Good for throwing and other techniques.
Non-translucent. Firing...
1,49 €
Firing range approx. 1200 - 1260ºC.
Container size 500ml.
Container size 500ml.
13,92 €
Nestemäinen alilasiteväri, sivellintyöskentelyyn, max polttolämpö 1280ºC, kuvassa vasemmalla poltettuna 1020ºC ja oikealla 1260ºC vaalean saven päällä
6,33 €
Nestemäinen alilasiteväri, sivellintyöskentelyyn, max polttolämpö 1280ºC .
6,33 €
Contains paper fiber. See technical data here. Firing range 1000 - 1280ºC.
Added paper fiber increases durability and hardness when dry. Ideal for...
Added paper fiber increases durability and hardness when dry. Ideal for...
1,42 €
Unlike in the picture, the wire is sold straight. Price is per one meter.
Lanka on 5m tai 10m kiepeissä. Lankaa saa myös yksittäisinä metreinä, huomioi...
Lanka on 5m tai 10m kiepeissä. Lankaa saa myös yksittäisinä metreinä, huomioi...
0,88 €