SW108 Green Tea
Startsidan > Glasyrer > Penselglasyrer > Mayco Stengods Penselglasyrer
Cone 6 oxidation (larger image): Green Tea is a variegated sage green glaze that breaks over texture and can produce a glossy blue finish.
Cone 10 reduction (smaller image): Color changes to a variegated pink/blue/green.
TIP: If the glaze comes out with more of a matte finish then re-fire to produce more variation in the glazed surface. Thinner application of this glaze will produce less crystals. Thicker application will produce more crystals. This glaze has a gloss finish. This glaze combos well with other Mayco glazes. If you like combos with Capri blue and oyster, try green tea because they are in the same family of glaze.
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