Bird GF HH 32
Main Page > Plaster, Plaster Moulds and Mould Accessories > Plaster Moulds
Bird's size 9,5 x 16cm.
Picture is taken from the mould.
See also
Firing range 1240 - 1260°C.
Specific gravity 45 - 50. Opaque, voimakkaan ruosteenpunaisen-ruskea lasite, johon...
Specific gravity 45 - 50. Opaque, voimakkaan ruosteenpunaisen-ruskea lasite, johon...
16,60 €
Dolomiitti on kalsium- ja magnesiumkarbonaateista koostuva kivilaji. Dolomiittia käytetään savimassoissa ja lasitteissa samalla tavalla kuin liitua. Dolomiitin sulamisväli...
2,23 €
0,2 - 0,8mm with 45% chamotte. See technical data here. Firing range 1000 - 1180ºC.
Very popular raku clay, makes great cracks. Excellent build by...
Very popular raku clay, makes great cracks. Excellent build by...
1,10 €
0 - 0,2mm with 25% chamotte. See technical data here. Firing range 1000 - 1280ºC.
Popular clay for throwing and other shaping. Fine chamotte makes...
Popular clay for throwing and other shaping. Fine chamotte makes...
0,97 €