Savesta kaunista keramiikkaa/Stuart Carey
Main Page > Books and Magazines > Books in Finnish
A beginner's guide to throwing and building by hand.
160-page hardcover guide, beautifully illustrated.
Text Finnish.
See also
Jokaisen tuotantoerän värisävy on erilainen.
Suositeltu polttolämpötila 1020 - 1150 °C.
Ole erityisen varovainen...
Suositeltu polttolämpötila 1020 - 1150 °C.
Ole erityisen varovainen...
6,88 €
0 - 0,5mm with 40% chamotte. See technical data here. Firing range 1000 - 1260ºC.
Clay with fine grained grog 40% is excellent for tiles and other...
Clay with fine grained grog 40% is excellent for tiles and other...
1,00 €
Cone 06: Pink-A-Boo is a heavily pigmented, viscous Stroke & Coat glaze that can be used for brush strokes or opaque coverage. One coat will create a translucent finish...
5,57 €