PTCR-renkaat /LTH/pink 15kpl
Etusivu > Uunit ja Uunitarvikkeet > PTCR-renkaat
Hinta 15kpl:n laatikolle.
-Process temperature control rings measure the temperature of the product being fired itself, which results in reduced errors and defects from inaccurate firing temperature profiles
-PTCRs provide a more accurate measurement of the quantity of heat by measuring the temperature over time of a test specimen with constant mass and physical properties
-PTCRs enable high-quality end-product by providing the ability to continuously control process temperature and its uniform distribution throughout the kiln
-PTCRs provide high accuracy in measuring radiated heat
-PTCRs deliver a more accurate temperature profile as heat transfer from kiln vessel is taken into account
-PTCRs provides a much better measure for the actual absorbed quantity of heat by utilizing the shrinkage factor of a ceramic ring manufactured from a defined material that is optimized for the desired application