GSM CH 0-0,5mm
Main Page > Clays > Bisbal-savet > Korkeapolttoiset savet
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Well behaved clay with excellent properties. Good for oxidising and plain firing. Selected ball clay base and sand make Astra...
1,03 €
Laajapolttovälinen lasite vain koriste-esineisiin.
Saattaa herkästi valua.
Matalalle poltettaessa sävy on...
Saattaa herkästi valua.
Matalalle poltettaessa sävy on...
13,51 €
Nestemäinen alilasiteväri, sivellintyöskentelyyn, max. polttolämpö 1280ºC.
6,33 €
Firing range 1000 - 1250°C New "Salt & Pepper" clay by Witgert. Clay has both white and black chamotte. Chamotte...
Firing range 1000 - 1250°C New "Salt & Pepper" clay by Witgert. Clay has both white and black chamotte. Chamotte...
1,05 €
Careful selection of ingredients give Magma Crank a unique composition. Clay with a lot of chamotte but still very plastic, can...
0,99 €